Jon Hornbostle has contributed all photographs in this feature and they remain his intelectual property. This feature combines those photos from the recent M4A3 (76)W feature with those of a M4A4 105mm HVSS. Originally I had intended to keep these images separate but together they give an impressive insight to the interior layout of M4A3 tanks and often offer useful complimentary views of essentially the same equioment. Each photograph has been labled to show which vehicle was the subject matter. Any comments or additional info on the details shown will be gratefully received.

Exterior Views


M4A3 (76)W



M4A3 (105)

All 105mm armed M3A3 tanks were manufactured by Chrysler at the Detroit Tank Arsenal. Production of the M4A3 105mm began in May 1944, initially making 500 with VHSS before switching to HVSS during September 1944. In all 2539 HVSS M4A3 105mm tanks were produced during the war.


M4A3 (105)


M4A3 (105)


Interior Views - Lower Hull

Interior Views - Turret

Images © 1999 Jon Hornbostle
Text & html © 1999 Chris Shillito